Monday, 20 June 2011

Port Isaac's Fisherman's Friends

I recently undertook a studio session recording two tracks for the Fisherman's Friends Special Edition album (thanks to my mate, Jon Bishop for the contact). The two songs were (What Shall We Do With) The Drunken Sailor and When the Boat Comes In.

A couple of days ago, I was idly watching ITV1, as one does, and the ad for their new album came on, and there I was, banjo-ing away in the background :-)

Glad they kept my parts!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Acoustic Guitarist of the Year 2011

Hi all,

Last Friday, June 1st, I was invited to be a judge for the prestigious Acoustic Guitarist of the Year competition, run by Guitarist Magazine (for whom I've been the acoustic techniques columnist since the year Umpteen-Hundred and Eleventy...). The competition was held in the beautiful Queen Elizabeth Hall, at the South Bank Centre, and run in conjunction with the London Guitar Festival (part of IGF).

There were six nervous finalists, and frankly, they were all fabulous with vastly contrasting styles, ranging from country picking to slappy-tappy to folky and melodic.

I think there would have been no uproar had any one of them walked away with the lovely prize guitar kindly donated by Takamine Guitars, but as the cliche goes, there could be only one, so...

...many congratulations to Will McNicol, for his stunning composition, that I was humming for the rest of the afternoon!

I also had a great time catching up with old friends, fellow judge Michael Watts and wonderful guitarist Amrit Sond, who'd come to enjoy the competition.