Thursday 12 July 2012

Springtime happenings

Right then, it's been a while since my last posting, and all sorts of lovely things have been happening in my world. A couple of weeks back, Jackie, Mike and I did some filming for Ade in Britain - Ade Edmondson's cooking programme, in which he tours around to different regions of Britain cooking regional specialities for invited guests, who in turn, provide the entertainment! Well, Jackie, Mike and I were the guests for this particular episode which was shot in Beer in South Devon - a beautiful little fishing village with spectacular sea views. The weather was a bit on-and-off, but the film crew, with their inventive methods of keeping equipment dry managed to get everyone safely through the experience! Here's a photo of us with Ade after we'd wrapped up for the day:

In other news, I was recently reunited with my old pal, Gordon Giltrap for whom I opened a show at Farncombe Music Club. I had a go on his Vintage GG signature acoustic guitar and I liked it so much that I ordered two of my own! A six- and a twelve-string.

I'll sign off for now with a video clip from the gig of my rendition of Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. Hope you like it :-)